If you're afraid to fail, then you won't grow."

Life Quotes connections Paradise

There are no failures, only outcomes as long as I learn something, I'm succeeding."

Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off our goal."

Life quotes
Life quotes

There are no failures, only outcomes as long as I learn something I'm succeeding."

If you're afraid to fail, then you won't grow."

Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off our goal."

Life quotes

There are no failures, only outcomes as long as I learn something I'm succeeding."

If you're afraid to fail, then you won't grow."

Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off our goal."

Thinking little of yourself is not a virtue."

You're in charge of your own happiness."

You're far more capable of what you give yourself credit for."

I create my own reality and I'm responsible for what I create."

There is always a way if I'm committed."

To love one self is the beginning of a lifelong romance." Oscar Wild

Run your own race, it's only made up of one person.

What others think of you is none of your business."

Being right is overrated."

Make peace with your past so it doesn't affect your future."

It's not enough to know how to do something, you have to do it."

Thinking little of yourself is not a virtue."

You're in charge of your own happiness."

You're far more capable of what you give yourself credit for."

I create my own reality and I'm responsible for what I create."

There is always a way if I'm committed."

To love one self is the beginning of a lifelong romance." Oscar Wild

Run your own race, it's only made up of one person.

What others think of you is none of your business."

Being right is overrated."

Make peace with your past so it doesn't affect your future."

It's not enough to know how to do something, you have to do it."

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